2021 Telecom Operations Conference (TOC) & Showcase Update
Good Afternoon All,
It is with deep regret that we inform you of the cancellation of the 2021 TOC Conference and Showcase in Fargo, ND.
NDTA has been monitoring nationwide developments related to COVID-19 and closely following any updates from the CDC. With regulations varying from state to state, and many companies strongly advising employees to restrict travel for work related training and events, we know it is no longer feasible to continue with our annual conference this year. Due to the nature of TOC and the importance of in-person networking among colleagues and suppliers, we have decided to forego a virtual conference and will continue to plan for a full in-person conference May 10-12, 2022.
Thank you for your understanding as we go through this together. This time last year we had hoped to be back and in full swing by the spring of 2021, but the safety and wellbeing of our suppliers, speakers, and attendees comes first and foremost. We look forward to seeing you in 2022!
Best Regards,
Brittany Armstrong
NDTA / TOC Coordinator