North Dakota Telephone Association was organized in 1982. NDTA has 14 Local Exchange Carriers as Active members, 5 companies serving as Affiliate/Sustaining members, and 95 Vendor and Supplier companies as Associate Members.
The Association is governed by an 8 member Board of Directors serving 3 year terms with 2-3 directors elected each year. The Board consists of 4 directors elected from 4 cooperative member companies, of which 2 are directors; 2 directors elected from 2 commercial company members; and two 2 directors elected At-Large.

The purpose of the organization is to collectively address common telephone industry needs by: Providing to its members information and assistance in matters of industry-wide importance; Providing workshops, seminars, and conferences as a means of establishing a forum for the expression of ideas, discussion of problems of the member companies and educational opportunities; Providing a clearinghouse for the compilation, publication and distribution of information affecting, or of interest to its member companies.